Archive for the ‘IT’ Category

KDE 4.9.5 on EL6

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Hi all,

I finally got a first version of a quite complete KDE 4.9.5 distribution compiled and working on CentOS 6.3.
After a while having troubles with kdesrc-build I decided to just download the sources linked on the page and compile them one-by-one. The most of the dependencies like QT 4.8, attica and so on, I already build by hand or with help of kdesrc-build.

Cache layer for slow PHP objects

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

When I was measuring execution time in a new PHP application using Doctrine and Zend_Date, I discovered lots of time is consumed by the code. It will slow down the app really if you show 50 objects in a list on a page when every object uses 100ms to list the results. It’s hard to get that library code fast, it’s easier to write a cache class around the object.

kdevelop3 on opensuse 11.2

Friday, November 27th, 2009

I recently installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on my netbook. There’s a lot of great new features like KDE 4.3, much better kernel 2.6.31 support for Intel Graphics and the Atheros wifi, but also good things disappear from the distro like some good working old kde3 applications. KDevelop3 is still a favorite for my daily work. However kdevelop4 is there, it is still having bugs and lacking functionality and not in a final release. I still want to work with KDevelop3. Well, it’s quite easy to fix that.

T-Mobile HSPA met linux (OpenSUSE kppp)

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Onlangs heb ik een T-Mobile data abonnement afgesloten, zodat ik ook onderweg nutteloze dingen op internet kan doen. Een USB stick met een modem is bijgeleverd die in de laptop geprikt kan worden.


De vraag is natuurlijk hoe dit werkend te krijgen onder Linux. Er zou een programma bij zitten die gebruikt kon worden, maar die heb ik niet gevonden tot nog toe. Met pppd en de KDE gui kppp werkt het echter ook prima.


Google via IPv6

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

After all the signs from the ICT business world about the lack of interrest in deploying IPv6 because it should be too difficult and wouldn’t worth the investment, yesterday I found an article (Dutch, read more on Googles blog post) about the deployment of IPv6 at Google. They stress about the ease it takes to implement it. Actually exactly the same I think about it. When I deployed IPv6 about 2 years ago on my own network with the SiXXS and XS4All IPv6 tunnel brokers, it took only a little effort, I even didn’t have to restart my old BSD machines that were used as network gateways to get the network connected via IPv6. (more…)

Improved memcache php classes

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Today I rewrote the previous mysql - memcache classes, mentioned in my previous post.
I wrote a clas with static methods (why should you need an object at all?) with logic. supporting an easy way store items in a PHP application. A second DB class extends this one, for an easy way of caching complicated queries.

Zend_Db and UTF-8

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Today I discovered a problem with my PHP/MySQL application. SQL data coming from the Zend_Db logic has the wrong encoding.

Like IMO all modern applications should, my application only uses UTF-8 for displaying and handling all non-ASCII characters. To make the MySQL server understand that I talk UTF-8 to it, I always use the following immediately after connecting:

Acer Aspire One

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Three Laptops

For a few years I have been working with a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600. A nice one, but heavy and huge and the machine started to get ramshackle and having more and more serious problems, like a bad battery, unexpected fallouts and display backlight problems. Therefore I decided to buy a new laptop so I can still work in the train.
My attention felt on the new series of netbooks. Nice small laptops of only about one kilogram, I could easily take with me when traveling, instead of the almost 3kg Toshiba brick I was used to.

Caching MySQL queries with memcache in PHP

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Recently I had to improve performance of several PHP sites. One of the problems is complicated queries, that take a long time to compute by the MySQL server. Therefore, I decided to look for a solution.

I found a nice solution on and I decided to work this out for my sites.

For php4 sites I rewrote this code to a simple class:

* Bastiaan Welmers - 20081013
* instataniate this class and use mysql_query_cache instead of mysql_query for slow queries
* php4 style class

class memCacheDb
	var $memcache;

	// constructor
	function memCacheDb()
		# Connect to memcache:
		$this->memcache = new Memcache;
		$this->memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ("Could not connect to memcache");

	# Gets key / value pair into memcache ... called by mysql_query_cache()
	function getCache($key) {
		return ($this->memcache) ? $this->memcache->get($key) : false;

	# Puts key / value pair into memcache ... called by mysql_query_cache()
	function setCache($key,$object,$timeout = 60) {
		return ($this->memcache) ? $this->memcache->set($key,$object,MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED,$timeout) : false;

	# Caching version of mysql_query()
	function mysql_query_cache($sql, $linkIdentifier = false, $timeout = 600 /* = 10 minutes expiration */) {
		if (!($cache = $this->getCache(md5("mysql_query" . $sql)))) {
			$cache = false;
			$r = ($linkIdentifier !== false) ? mysql_query($sql,$linkIdentifier) : mysql_query($sql);
			if (is_resource($r) && (($rows = mysql_num_rows($r)) != 0)) {
				for ($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++) {
					$fields = mysql_num_fields($r);
					$row = mysql_fetch_array($r);
					for ($j=0;$j<$fields;$j++) {
						if ($i == 0) {
							$columns[$j] = mysql_field_name($r,$j);
						$cache[$i][$columns[$j]] = $row[$j];
				if (!$this->setCache(md5("mysql_query" . $sql),$cache,$timeout)) {
					die('Error trying to connect to memcache');
					# If we get here, there isn't a memcache daemon running or responding
		return $cache;

For the PHP5 applications I wrote a PHP5 style style class and I added expiration logic. You can now use MemCacheDb::deleteMatching($arrayOfKeywords) to remove queries from cache that contain certain keywords. You can use this for example in your CMS, just call the deleteMatching method in the update/creation logic with the updated table name in the keywords and all cached queries will expire.

* Bastiaan Welmers - 20081013
* instataniate this class and use this mysql_query methoid instead of mysql_query for slow queries
* it wil return a array with assosiative arrays with the output.
* So use foreach($mdb->mysql_query($query) as $rows) {}
* php5 style class

class MemCacheDb

	private $_memcache;
	private $_appKey = 'Change this key for your application';
	private $_queries = null;

	// constructor
	public function __construct()
		// Connect to memcache:
		$this->_memcache = new Memcache();
		$this->_memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ("Could not connect to memcache");
		$this->_appKey = md5(__FILE__ . $this->_appKey);

	public function __destruct()
		if (is_array($this->_queries))

	public function getStats()
		return $this->_memcache->getStats();

	private function _loadQueries()
		if (!is_array($this->_queries))
			$queries = $this->_memcache->get($this->_appKey . '__queries');
			if ($queries !== false && is_array($queries))
				$this->_queries = $queries;
				$this->_queries = array();

	public function getQueries()
		return $this->_queries;

	public function searchQueries($search)
		$queries = array();
		foreach($this->getQueries() as $sql => $timestamp)
			if (strpos($sql, $search) !== false)
				$queries[] = $sql;
		return $queries;

	public function deleteQuery($sql)
		if (isset($this->_queries[$sql]))

	public function deleteMatching($searchItems)
		if (!is_array($searchItems))
			$searchItems = array($searchItems);

		foreach($searchItems as $searchItem)
			foreach($this->searchQueries($searchItem) as $query)

	public function deleteAll()
		foreach($this->getQueries() as $sql => $timestamp)

	private function _saveQueries($timeout = 1800)
		if (is_array($this->_queries))
			// clean old stuff
			foreach($this->_queries as $sql => $timestamp)
				if (time() - $timestamp > $timeout)

			return $this->_memcache->set($this->_appKey . '__queries', $this->_queries, 0, $timeout);
			return false;

	// Gets key / value pair into memcache … called by mysql_query_cache()
	private function _getCache($key) {
		return ($this->_memcache) ? $this->_memcache->get($key) : false;

	// Puts key / value pair into memcache … called by mysql_query_cache()
	private function _setCache($key, $object, $timeout) {

		if ($this->_memcache instanceof Memcache)
			return $this->_memcache->set($key, $object, 0, $timeout);
			return false;

	private function _cacheQuery($sql, $object, $timeout)
		if ($this->_setCache($this->_getQueryKey($sql), $object, $timeout))
			$this->_queries[$sql] = time();
			return true;
			return false;

	public function expireQuery($query)

	public function mysql_query($sql, $linkIdentifier = false, $timeout = 600)
		return $this->mysql_query_cache($sql, $linkIdentifier, $timeout);

	private function _getQueryKey($sql)
		return md5($this->_appKey . $sql);

	// Caching version of mysql_query()
	public function mysql_query_cache($sql, $linkIdentifier = false, $timeout = 600 /* = 10 minutes expiration */) {
		if (!($cache = $this->_getCache($this->_getQueryKey($sql)))) {
			$cache = array();
			$r = ($linkIdentifier !== false) ? mysql_query($sql,$linkIdentifier) : mysql_query($sql);
			if (is_resource($r) && (($rows = mysql_num_rows($r)) != 0)) {
				for ($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++) {
					$fields = mysql_num_fields($r);
					$row = mysql_fetch_array($r);
					for ($j=0;$j<$fields;$j++) {
						if ($i == 0) {
							$columns[$j] = mysql_field_name($r,$j);
						$cache[$i][$columns[$j]] = $row[$j];
				if (!$this->_cacheQuery($sql, $cache, $timeout)) {
					die('Error trying to connect to memcache');
					// If we get here, there isn't a memcache daemon running or responding
		return $cache;

TODO: this code need to get more documentation, and a static method to store the object instance so it can be called everywhere in the application.

Nieuwe site online

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Eindelijk, na vele jaren, is de nieuwe site online!
Even een weekendje hard doorwerken, en dan komt het er toch eindelijk van.

De nieuwe website is geschreven in Zend Framework. Dit is misschien wat overdone voor een simpele website, maar als je eenmaal in een dergelijk stramien gewend bent te programmeren, dan wil je eigenlijk niet anders. Bovendien kan ik nu mooi de Zend_Feed logic gebruiken voor de Subcontent balk aan de rechterkant. Dit wordt overigens netjes gecachet natuurlijk.

Afijn, de site is nog niet af. Er komt nog het nodige content in, is het plan. En o ja het oude reliek staat nu op